Sarcasm dial cranked to 11.
The week’s political news was all Dem bashing: They’ve got to get a real vision. Bush’s wartime status makes him all powerful. Time to search the soul, look at oneself in the mirror, take some stock and stand up for what’s right. Cliché, you say? Maybe. But what other option do they have?
After all, the only way the Dems could win back respect would be to be look tougher than Bush on the war. But how could they do that? He’s named the Axis of Evil and rattled the sabre at them. He doesn’t go in for nuance, and when they do they look dovish next to him. If only there were some country left peculiarly absent from Bush's War on Terrorism rhetoric. Not that I want more evil in the world. But if there were another nation that qualified for the AoE--one that Bush just missed--the Dems would have a no-brainer issue to jump on.
And what if this hypothetical fourth component of the AoE had spent months infuriatingly denying some obvious connections between them and 9-11? Or what if this country was responsibe for sponsoring the backward, other-hating version of Islamic militantism that breeds terrorism? And, just to tie it up in a bow for the Dems, what if representatives of this imaginary place had acted out outrageously, on American soil no less, in exceptionally tabloid friendly ways ways? That would make North Korea look like Puerto freaking Rico! And what if... What...
Whoa. I think I was getting a little delusional there. Seeing mirages in the desert. Back to reality: Clearly, there is no way the Donkey party could ever look pro-active on the War on Terror, or question Bush’s choice of enemies. Uh-uh. That way lies madness. They should just stick to talking about health care. I need a drinkee-poo.
A daddy blog.