A daddy blog.

05 November 2002

Wish I gave a damn about tomorrow's elections. Don't.

So god bless Jesse Ventura for, well, being Jesse Ventura. In response to the Democrats ugly funeral/rally for the late Paul Wellstone, The Body has decided to use his executive privelege to appoint Minnesota's lame duck Senator. This when Dems have a 50-49 majority in the Senate.

His choice? A buddy of his--nobody really. Just some guy who is fiscally conservative and socially liberal: like everyone I've ever met in my life, it seems like. He hasn't decided which party he wants to side with.

It's a nice symbolic capstone to Ventura's career: iconoclastic and infuriatingly unpredictable to the Machiavellis who spend their lives trying to crunch the political numbers--better at pissing folks off than getting things done.