A daddy blog.

16 July 2003

I'm in NYC now, but I'm finding it harder to get an internet connection here than it ever was in Nairobi. So I'm taking a break. If I were blogging, all I'd be able to tell you about is some sentimental crap about sitting at the Hog Pit bar, waiting for my NYC friends to show, drinking PBR and eating grits, and ruminating over how long it had been since I'd heard "Tuesday's Gone." And that story would have just segued into my later antagonistic brush with the 250-lb. union worker who offended my lady's honor and was thus called snackbag. But who wants to hear about drinking stories soaked in sentiment or idiocy? Not sober folk like you.

So: Next week I should be in terra africana incognito, and I'll resume blogging then. Until then, read Lileks. He's funnier than anybody.