A daddy blog.

13 September 2007

Ideally, This All Would Have Come Out In Week 14

What I keep coming back to in the articles I read about Belichick is his hubris, which is $10 word for a guy who believes what David Halberstam wrote about him.

I mean, hey, steal signs from your team if you want, but don't be stupid enough to use video technology, which is explicitly banned by the NFL. You don't have diplomatic immunity or anything.

If by any chance you're going to be dumb enough to do that, then stop when other teams call you out on it. Don't just keep on videotaping when you know you've gotten a reputation for it. You're not the only one who keeps track of perceived slights.

And on the outside chance you're going to do all this, then please don't be stupid enough to do it in front of the man who used to run your defense. Wait until next week. Because your old defensive coordinator might have some idea how you run that whole "stealing offensive signals and giving it to the defense" thing. And he might have read in Halberstam's book that you're so smart no one will ever catch you, and he might want to call bullshit on that.

Wildly successful people just inevitable becomes reckless asses. I do not know why.