This is Bug at the Philly zoo, taking in the kittenpup magic that is sea otters.
This is the view from the front door of one of two Marriotts sitting next to each other in front of City Hall. The blue filter reflects my mood upon realizing I'd gotten parking validation info from the wrong one.
She met a man who lived in one of Philadelphia's many murals. She tried to pay him $80 to cover our share of the dinner, but he snuck it into Damn Wifus' purse. Bug swore sudden, bloody, anvils-from-a-window revenge.
This is my niece. She can kick the ball so hard it takes the shape of a jelly bean.
Nothing relaxes like a stroll in the field while soiling one's capris on a ninety degree day. This is the only time Daddy's grants us such freedom.
It was a great game. Bug celebrated/prepared for her Halloween costume with handfuls of broccoli
My niece enjoys a well-deserved Italian ice. My daughter projectile vomits zero point five seconds after this picture is taken.
She sleeps her way home, but Guard Shark, a token from our Philadelphia hosts, never does.