A daddy blog.

07 August 2007

Men in NYC Make Eff All

Well, that's just not surprising. I didn't pass Damn Wifus in the salary department until after I was 30, which is apparently when the ways of old reassert themselves.

It's pretty amazing when you consider lower Manhattan, where male after male makes a show of paying for their sandwiches with hundred dollar bills, each bill folded in half longways, the paper still damp with each man's natural (but distinctive) douchesyrup.

Note that the ladies aren't getting smarter so much as the men are just spending more time with their dexterous Nintendo thumbs in their butts:
Though Dr. Beveridge’s analysis showed women making strides, it also showed that men were in some ways moving backward. Among all men — including those with college degrees — real wages, adjusted for inflation, have declined since 1970. And among full-time workers with advanced degrees, wages for men increased only marginally even as they soared for women. Nationally, men’s wages in general declined while women’s remained the same.
Up up down down left right left right gun mouth trigger pull.